Friday 27 February 2009

Ravey Davey Gravy!

Wow the new Prodigy album is immense. If you haven't picked it up yet I suggest you get on it. It has a great old school feel mashed with new sounds, best album to be released in a good while in my opinion. And The Prodigy back to their filthy best.
I was really looking forward to going to see them live in April but looks like I may now miss them! :(

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Long Weekends, Dents and Slumdogs

Sorry about the lack of posts, Ive been away to Cornwall for the first time in my life. Really enjoyed it down there with my wife and dog. We also got the roof down on the new motor for the first time, Much fun.

Speaking of the new motor my good lady had a minor bump in my pride and joy the other night, fortunately she's fine, Jodie is OK too as it happens......I jest of course. The car has a minor dent and scratches but it should fix up fine. I think Jodie thought the world was going to implode bless her.

We went to see Slumdog Millionaire before we went away. Now yeah there is a lot of hype about this film, and with that you will inevitably get some folk saying its not very good. Don't believe them, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and cant recommend it enough. I love it when you come out of a cinema genuinely excited about what you just saw.

Hopefully I'll feel the same way about Watchmen, I just hope they do it justice.

Anybody played Noby Noby Boy on the PS3 yet? This game is just crazy but in the best of ways, I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing but its a good laugh. Look forward to playing with it a bit more.

I started playing around with C# and the tutorials on the XNA website with my good friend Andy on Sunday, We finished the 2D shooter and modified it by making it two player. Was good fun, looking forward to learning some more and hopefully getting some personal projects going.

Wednesday 18 February 2009


It's fair to say I'm now very excited about my mate Martin's upcoming stag week! We've finalized details and booked it. All that remains is to save some spondoolies for when we land in June.

I've been listening to loads of new music and browsing the club sites, Its silly how excited I am.

Another top thing to look forward to is Street Fighter 4 this weekend. Though I may have to put that on hold as I head down to Falmouth this weekend.

We're of to see the sister in law who's at Uni down there, so many people have told me how nice it is but I've never been before. This will also present the first chance to chuck our dog in the sea for a laugh! :)

EDIT: Almost forgot we went to see Notorious, I did enjoy the film but I couldn't help but think it was maybe just a little one sided.

Friday 13 February 2009

The Weekend Has Landed!

I'm really in the mood for some beers this weekend good job we're off to a house party on Saturday then! :)

Looks like the weather seems to be warming up after a brief come back from the snow fall. To celebrate I got my car cleaned looks awesome if I don't mind saying so myself.

Going to see Notorious tonight with a bunch of mates should be fun, I've heard mixed reviews so I'll let you guys know what I think once I've seen it.

Wednesday 11 February 2009


One in a while you can get pleasently surprised by games that initially you may dismiss because of a licence or theme. One such game is due very soon and its shaping up very nicely. That game is 50 cent - Blood In The Sand.

Click on the link above to see a video of the game in action. It looks like great fun in a similar way to Stranglehold that came out a year or so ago. I'll be watching this one closely.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

So little time, Ibiza and car expense

I've been trying to spend some more time playing games. Contrary to what my lovely wife would have you believe I don't think I spend as much time as I'd like playing games.

So I started playing Crackdown last night. This passed me by first time around as I played the demo and for some reason didn't enjoy it.
How wrong I was whoever thought jumping city blocks could be so much fun!

Looks like the snow is finally starting to clear up which makes me happy, I really need some sun. I'm off to Ibiza in June for my friend Martin's stag week. I've been asked to be one of his groomsmen (which I am very honoured to be) so it's our job to ensure he gets there and back, safe and sound...

I look forward to it with eager anticipation. :)

I have to get myself two new front tyres for my car, its going to cost me about £180 for each tyre. wounded! Better than coming off the road I guess. In other great car news it's due for a service soon, I'm sure that will happily reduce my funds too.

Sunday 8 February 2009


Just found a Chinatown Wars preview from the guys at IGN. Good times!


Oh yeah and I've joined up to Twitter, could be interesting I guess. Does that mean I have to forget about facebook in the same way I sacked Myspace off!? :)


I prefer my blog anyway.

Chinatown Wars at the NY Comic Con

Thanks to Kotaku and IGN you can see pictures of the booth we've set up for Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars at the New York Comic Con.

Click me!

And me.

Saturday 7 February 2009

I have readers!

Sat in the pub last night and a few friends moaned at me about updating the blog! I was well happy with that, some folk are reading my everyday quibbles.

Well we had more snow so the shoveling of my drive way was pointless. I'll be totally honest and admit that my gym progress has slipped this week. I will be back on form next week though.

The problem is I've started playing five a side football, and it batters me for a bout 2 days after playing, can only be a good thing I guess.

The latest game I've been working on comes out soon, we're all very excited its been a long time coming and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we are very proud of what we have built.

For more information visit this link Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars.

There looks to be some great new game coming out soon that I'm very much looking forward too. If you don't know about these already check the links for more info.

Street Fighter 4
As a kid I worshiped street fighter 2 in all of its guises, this genuinely feels like its bringing those giddy little feelings back.
Killzone 2
I didn't play much of the first game but i cant help but get caught up in all the hype, got the demo sat waiting on my PS3 will give that a blast later today.
You cant beat a little bit of ultra violence, shed loads of it here, very interested to see how this turns out.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Game on!

OK so we're back into the real world the snow has started to melt, though that does appear to be everywhere but my street!

I dare not move my car as it will just slide into one of the council's lamp posts and leave me with a nice bill for both the car and the lamp post whilst leaving our street in darkness. Either that or it will just career into one of my neighbours vehicles.

I shovelled both mine and my neighbours drive yesterday (I'm nice like that) and after doing the work it dawned on me that maybe it was a little pointless as the street was still loaded with packed ice. So I stopped and went to the pub for some much needed food and beer.

watched the Incredible Hulk last night the one with Ed Norton and Liv Tyler, I really enjoyed it. I especially liked the cameo at the end ( I won't spoil it) but I really hope they follow up on that.

Just do The Ultimates and I'll be very happy, as long as they do a very good job of it.

Monday 2 February 2009

Snow! whadya mean snow?

Well as most of you know we got a bit of snow here in the UK. I had "fun" in my car on the way to work, I went to pick my brother in law up and ended up getting stuck on his girlfriend's street!

It's rear wheel drive and has lots of power but I just wasn't able to get any grip. I needed help from my brother in law and a kind neighbor to help get my car off the street.

Funnily enough we were sent home from work early so my and my wife made the most of this and sat down for some TV and video games.

We watched episode 2 of Lost titled "Jughead", we both really enjoyed this episode. After the quite baffling opener this started to lay some interesting groundwork, I look forward to seeing how this all unfolds.

I've started getting rather addicted to these "tower defense" games, it started with fieldrunners on the iPhone and now I've just grabbed Pixel Junk Monsters on the PS3, I'm really enjoying it.

The gym has suffered today, to be quite frank I couldn't be bothered to walk to the gym, its way too cold. And I wasn't going to risk skating with a German sports car for second time in a day.